A curated collection of criminal justice stories, support services and resources for an Australian audience.
A starting point to pull all knowledge of justice in Australia into one place. The aim is for it to become a decentralised source of information and inspiration to improve the current system that sees so many people forgotten.
Why is it needed?
We need to do better as a nation to support people who are in the justice system
58% of young people and 31% of adults re-offend within just two years.
It continues to grow without the need for coordiantion or administration costs.
What will it do?
Podcasts, videos and stories - A curated list of videos, podcast, writing and research relating to Criminal Justice in Australia
Services - A curated list of services in Australia who ar connected to Criminal Justice, rehabilitation and reintegration
Resources - A growing list of resources supported by the community
How will it be successful?
All service around Australia contibute to the information and add stories
Services can be identified and gaps analysed to better support people in those areas
It continues to grow without the need for coordiantion or administration costs.